Thursday, September 27, 2012

Alas, Poor Romney* or another of his "oops" moments**

From the BBC:

This summer, a Cuban-American radio presenter in Florida asked Mitt Romney what his favourite types of fruit are. 
 "I am a big fan of mango, papaya, and guava," Mr. Romney replied. 
The hosts could not suppress their laughter.
It may not strike you as particularly funny that Mr. Romney said he liked papaya, but "papaya" is Cuban slang for vagina.
Now, come on. Let's be mature and fair here.
Who, besides a Cuban or Cuban-American, would know that?
But that was not Mr. Romney's only Spanish slip-up.
His most notorious came five years ago during an impassioned anti-Castro speech in Miami, Florida.
"At the end of speech, Mr. Romney had the crowd fired up," recalls Joe Garcia, a Cuban-American Democrat in Miami.
"And he ended, 'Patria o Muerte, Venceremos — the nation or death we shall win,' which is the closing line of all of Fidel Castro's speeches.
"It's a great line. Unfortunately for Romney it was the wrong line in this crowd."

And from Charles M. Blow's column in the New York Times summarizing the Romney campaign:

A strategy that assumed that an empty suit could make empty promises and that an electorate full of voters consumed by anger at the president wouldn’t notice. 
A candidate who keeps his foot so deep in his mouth that his toes can tickle his cerebellum. 
A nominating convention that fell flat.

*A paraphrase from Shakespeare’s Hamlet

** A paraphrase from the primary campaign of Rick Perry.

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