In my post I entitled "The Media in General and the New York Times in Particular"
I decried the tendency on the part of the media and in that case PBS to “create
an artificial or false equivalence…”
That is even truer as between the parties. As I
watch the present campaign rhetoric and compare it to history I am struck by
the fact that Democrats, as a group tend to be more American first and
Democrats second, while the reverse is true about Republicans.
This came to me quite by accident
as I was reviewing some old material on my computer. I found the following
first person description of one who was in the World Trade Center on 9/11.
It is very dramatic and I urge the reader to read it here.
But the point that struck me most of all was the
ending of that piece. Allow me to quote it here:
Today the images that people around the world
equate with power and democracy are gone but “America” is not an image it
is a concept. That concept is only strengthened by our pulling together as a
team. If you want to kill us, leave us alone because we will do it by
ourselves. If you want to make us stronger, attack and we unite. This is the
ultimate failure of terrorism against The United States and the ultimate price
we pay to be free, to decide where we want to work, what we want to eat, and when
& where we want to go on vacation. The very moment the first plane was
hijacked, democracy won.
Compare that to the long running smears against
Democrats that I related in my post: "The Election (Discussion)" Allow me to
… for some reason Democrats have always been held
to a much higher standard than Republicans. You will remember Joe McCarthy's charge during the Truman
Administration of "twenty years of treason." What was worse is that
when the Democratic led Tydings Committee "concluded that the individuals
on McCarthy's list were neither Communists nor pro-communist, and said the
State Department had an effective security program" and "labeled
McCarthy's charges a "fraud and a hoax". Republicans responded
in kind, with William E. Jenner stating that Tydings
was guilty of "the most brazen whitewash of treasonable conspiracy in our
history.” The full Senate voted three times on whether to accept the
report, and each time the voting was precisely divided along party lines.”
But that is not even ancient history. Ann
Coulter, a darling of Republicans recently, wrote: "Twenty years of
treason hasn't slowed them down." and charged "50 years of
Now compare that to the reaction as shown in the
quote above. In response to 9/11 Democrats rallied around the President. They
did so even though there were many questions about Bush’s negligence in not
stopping the attack. The outgoing Clinton Administration had warned the
President that a major attack on the US was a serious threat. It was ignored.
The hijackers were training for the attack in
American flight schools, and agencies of the Bush Administration knew about it,
but they did not “connect the dots.” The Bush Administration was clearly
negligent in a major and dangerous way. But this was not the time for
recriminations. Democrats held their fire. The said we are Americans first and
partisans second. This was a time for unity.
Contrast that with the way Republicans are treating
the attack in Ben Gazi, Libya, (Which by the way is not the capital of Libya
and is not where our Embassy is located. What was attacked was a Consulate. The Embassy is in Tripoli.)
Again we have been attacked. A time for unity? Not for Republicans! It is, as
it has always been, a chance for divisiveness. Not for patriotism. Not for
unity. A chance to divide the country on National Security.
Have they, or we, already forgotten how even after 9/11 Al Qaeda continued its terrorist attacks, if not on our territory on the territory of our allies. Have we forgotten the bombing of the London subway, or the attacks on our allies in other parts of the world? Obama put a stop to it even before he tracked down and killed Osama bin Laden. A decimated Al Qaeda staged they Libyan attack in order to seem relevant again. And Republicans, led by Romney and Ryan are giving them the stage they were, and are, seeking.
Have they, or we, already forgotten how even after 9/11 Al Qaeda continued its terrorist attacks, if not on our territory on the territory of our allies. Have we forgotten the bombing of the London subway, or the attacks on our allies in other parts of the world? Obama put a stop to it even before he tracked down and killed Osama bin Laden. A decimated Al Qaeda staged they Libyan attack in order to seem relevant again. And Republicans, led by Romney and Ryan are giving them the stage they were, and are, seeking.
For shame! For shame!
They wave the flag! They wear flag pins! And they
don’t know the meaning of patriotism. Only how to advance their agenda.
And what is their agenda? They accuse the
President, “No Drama Obama” of being soft. He may have been in the first
debate, but he sure isn’t when it comes to being what he was elected to do. He
isn’t the best at blowing his own horn, or exposing the hypocrisy of his
opponent, but as President, as Commander in Chief, he is always there.
Ryan during his Debate with the VP criticized Obama
on Iran. He claimed that it took Republicans in Congress to toughen sanctions. Wow, we got a
bipartisan bill through Congress 421-6 in the House and by voice vote in the
Senate and it is promptly signed into law by “No Drama Obama” and Ryan claims
this somehow reflects badly on the President and/or Democrats.
But of course no unilateral sanctions by the US has
any meaning unless such sanction are imposed by a multiplicity of countries.
That has been the genius of this Administration. They got something, that none
of these unilateralist could have gotten! They got effective international
sanctions against Iran.
Bloomberg news
Iran’s freefalling currency is turning meat into a
luxury, sparking overnight price surges and spurring shoppers to stockpile
goods…. Iran’s rial is in a tailspin, having lost more than half of its value
against the dollar in street trading in the past two months as U.S. and
European sanctions aimed at curbing the country’s nuclear program bite. Riot
police yesterday fired tear gas and sealed off parts of downtown Tehran after
the currency’s plunge triggered street protests.
Short of military action, whose effectiveness is
problematic, and which Romney/Ryan do not advocate, (or maybe they do ---who
knows, they make statement all over the map) what more could have been done. It
has now been effective beyond any expectation or hope. It might end up
bringing the regime down.
But how did we get here in the first place?
It was Republican Secretary of State, Foster Dulles, and his brother Allen Dulles
head of the CIA, in the Eisenhower administration who overthrew an Iranian
Democratically elected government and installed the hated Shah, which in turn
led directly to the Shah’s overthrow by the Ayatollah.
It isn’t just people. Parties matter. And while
Democrats are not angels, (the system will not allow it) the differences
between them are like night and day.
They (Republcians – Romney – Ryan) say Obama has
not created enough jobs since he took office in January. They do this by counting the job
losses the country sustained on the day the President took office. This is an
absurd approach. Presidents don’t control events on the day and in the months immediately after they are sworn in.
Obama acted fast! He got the stimulus bill signed into law on February 17, 2009 less than
a month after being sworn in. It took until the end of March to have an
effect. Look at the graph below:
By April job losses had gone from 850,000 the day
he took office to only 200,000 by May and except for a small spike in the
middle of summer, the trend has been for the better every year.
Republicans have been touting “Unemployment is still over 8%.” Well, it isn’t
any more. This is a party that celebrates unemployment. It may not be good for
the country, but it is good for the party.
But say Republicans through the mouth of Romney and
Ryan does he (Obama) have any other plans. Well yes! On August 2, 2011 Business Insider had the headline
“Congress AWOL ON Jobs.” They hold the country hostage and then blame our
President. That is their patriotism.
And what of their nominee? He is the Invisible
man*! Well, he may not be invisible, but his plans for the American people are
top secret. He will cut $5 trillion in taxes, mostly for the rich, and make it
up with ------ “it’s a secret.” He will find it in tax expenditures, but not of the most important kind, not the advantaged (for the rich) capital gains tax –
that’s off limits. Dividends mostly earned by the rich – that’s off limits.
Inheritance taxes, the means by which inherited aristocracies are built –
that’s off limits. What’s left –it’s a secret.
What nefarious secrets are contained in his tax
returns? We don’t know. It’s a secret.
This shouldn’t be a close election. Obama ought to
win by a landslide and get a Congress that will work with him. But the American
people, or about half of them, are deluded and deceived.
I pray for the future of my country, for I AM AN
*Borrowed from the book by that name by H.G. Wells
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