Friday, July 28, 2006

Israel-Invasion of Lebanon-Pro and Con (Continued)

I believe an article in the New Yorker which is also critical of Israel's action in its invasion of Lebanon in worth reading. It can be found here.


Anonymous said...

July 29, 2006
Dear un- American Anti-Semite,
Any one not rooting for Israel now is both un-American & anti-Semetic.  An Israeli woman who led the campaign against Israel's fighting in Lebanon before is now in favor of it.  Too late.
Either we stop the Muslims now or get your wife, daughters & granddaughters fitted for  nice blue  Berkas. Since they are related to you, the ladies don't have to see out since your  relatives are genetically disposed to seeing nothing anyway.
By the way, stop using your cell phone & your E-mail. That and much, much more come to us by way of Israeli scientists. Since you don't want Israel to survive, take the New Yorker, your cell phone & your E-mails and throw them out.  Using them makes you look like a Jew-lover. 
You keep on standing tall with the Muslims - until they lop your head off."

Anonymous said...

July 30, 2006
Dear Nancy,
I think you totally misunderstand the nature of being an American or for that matter an Israeli or a Jew. A true American or a true Israeli exercises his/her right, no, his/her obligation to disagree with his/her government when he believes his/her government is doing something unwise or immoral. That is what I am doing and I believe that my views reflect the interests of both the U.S. and Israel. You have a different viewpoint. You are entitled to it.
As for my being an Anti-Semite I think that is rather ludicrous since few have as much right to speak for the Jewish people as I have. While you have been sitting in the safety of the U.S. at a time when Hitler was ravishing Jews, I both witnessed it and suffered from it. I saw Hitler's minions march into Austria in 1938 with their Nazi flags and their tanks with the crowds cheering. I was a witness and a victim of Kristalnacht. My father suffered incarceration both in Dachau and Buchenwald.
And it was the U.S. that offered succor and haven for me and later my parents.
My views are not anti-U.S. or anti Israel. The greatest love is to want one's country to be a beacon of morality and justice and to realize that while the sword sometimes has to be unsheathed, as it had to be in World War II, and in the numerous wars that Israel fought when the Arabs armies attacked it, it does not follow that it is always justified or wise. The irrational hatred that you spew is not worthy of Americans or Israelis and least of all of Jews.

Anonymous said...

July 31, 2006

Inasmuch as I was a infant when the Nazis (read Germans) marched into Austria's waiting arms, I can hardly be accused of sitting back comfortably while my fellow Jews suffered.
However, I have made up for lost time. I was one of the 4 co-authors of the New York City Holocaust Curriculum in the 1970"s. I worked - along with Matthew McCarthy - at training session at Hofstra, Adelphi and the City University of NY to present training sessions for teachers & administrators. We worked to get a question on the Holocaust on the Social Studies Regents exam, thereby assuring that teachers would teach the materials.
Later, I was not only a Shoah Foundation interviewer, but the founder of LEAH (the League for Educational Awareness of the Holocaust). This LEAH has donated more than $1,000,000. to Holocaust Education to South Florida schools and universities.
You are clearly unable to see danger when it presents itself to you. Obviously, the writing on the wall was there for all to see by 1931. Why didn't you and your family leave then? Myopia is in your DNA.
Similarly, you are unable to see and act upon the dangers to not only Jews and Israel, but to Christians as well. There is an article in the NYTimes magazine of "July 1933! by a Rhodes scholar telling us that the Sauds are financing the Wahabbi movement, and are preparing for a Califate to take over the world.
Of course, the B'aathist movement received training and money from the Nazis in the 1930's. The Germans wanted oil. (Nothing changes.)
You will note that in the 1930's there was no Israel. No 1967 borders. Just Jewish pioneers. Of course, the Muslims were shooting at the Jews.
In fact, had it not been for that Devil - The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem - putting pressure on the British to keep the Jews out, maybe more of your relatives and friends would have escaped.
It amazes me that John Bolton was villainized by so many Jews. John Bolton got rid of the "Zionism + Racism" resolution at the UN.
Maybe Nixon was right about the Jews being dumb. The Israeli woman who led the campaign to stop Sharon's army in Lebanon is now saying, "I was wrong." She should be arrested for endangering Israel and causing unnecessary deaths. Her sorrow is not enough.
It is time to face the reality that there is nothing that the Jews in Israel or anywhere else can do to please the Muslims other than dying. The Christians will be next.
Does the word "Zohkar" - Remember - have any meaning to you? Are you capable of learning from history? If you are ready for another Holocaust against the Jews, that's your choice - you waited around the last time to get your head handed to you. But it is not mine.
I say that history teaches us, if we are capable of learning. The French have already lost the second Battle of Tours - they are now a Muslim country. The French government couldn't even pull themselves together to stop well-orchestrated "riots" in their towns and cities. The French are flaccid cowards. Ditto Germany, Spain, Italy and much of Scandanavia. The Russians are afraid of their Muslims.
Do you want the United States to bow down low to the Muslims? Either stand up and oppose them or bring out the white flags. Read the history of the Muslim invasion of Europe and Asia in the 7th century.
Furthermore, ask yourself why Turkey - one of the earliest Christian nations - is now Muslim? There is a lesson there.

Anonymous said...

July 31, 2006
I want to make this short. It is amazing how much you and the jihadists have in common. You both want to refight the battles of the 16th & 17th century. The jihadists want revenge for the Crusades.
The fact is that when Christian were persecuting Jews in Spain and elsewhere during the Inquisition, it was the Muslims who offered succor and haven to the Jews. Different periods in history present different enemies and different challenges. The Germans are now our allies.
No, I don't want the US to bow down to anyone but that is not the same as following a jingoist policy. Your hate of Muslims, most of whom even Bush and Cheney would agree, are peaceful, and are the victims of the Jihadists in Indonesia and Jordan, as well as in Iraq, as much as anyone . Without a tip from Muslim Pakistan we could not have prevented the recent plan to blow up numerous airlines.
Since you hate all Muslims tell me what would you do with them or to them. There are now somewhere between 2 and 6 million Muslims in the US. Would you exterminate them? Would you put them in concentration camps? Would you deport them? There are now between 700 million and 1.2 billion Muslims in the world. Should we make war on all of them? Try to kill them all?
As for me, in 1931 I was 2 years old and we were in Austria not Germany. However what is more disturbing is that you seem to be blaming the 6 million Jewish victims who died for their fate because they deed not see the handwriting on the wall and leave.
As for Turkey, it is a modern secular state and a member of NATO. I was there recently. There are no Burkas! If anything I saw skimpily dressed westernized women alongside women with head scarves and long dresses but no burkas.
I hope you answer me since many will be reading our exchange and I would like them to have the benefit of your response.

Anonymous said...

August 1, 2006
I wish the world had more Nancy Boymans. She really blew you away. It is to your credit that you reported what she wrote. As a plus for your side, Mel Gibson said he agrees completely with you and you just said the same thing as he but in a more articulate way.