Monday, August 22, 2011

Bulletin with Humor

My last post was "The Trojan Horse – Comments II (continued)," and I intend hereafter to discuss where we should cut expenditures, where additional revenue should be sought, and will also distinguish between what I believe is desirable but politically impossible and what might actually be achieved, if not now, at some future time. I will also try to address the economic theories that lie at heart of political philosophy and evaluate their merits and to what extent our political leaders have been adhering to such economic theory as their foundation.

At this point allow me to depart from my usual serious discussion and interject these humorous but revealing items, which I hope you will circulate to your friends, and ask them to circulate them to their friends.

Stephen Colbert came up with this funny, but revealing video on the Iowa straw poll and Michele Bachmann’s part in it.

And courtesy of our subscriber and author, Steven Baird M.D., of Solona, California, this ditty to be sung to the tune of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." If any of you can actually perform it, or know someone who can, it would be perfect for You Tube.

Republicans give us some strange explanations
For the recession now gripping all nations.
But do you recall the strangest one of them all?

Poor folks have too much money
And the rich don't have enough.
Though you think that sounds funny,
That's the reason times are tough.
Don't tax the rich; look elsewhere,
And I'm sure that you'll admit
It's giveaways like welfare
That produced the deficit.

If you feed a horse some hay
You'll soon realize
As he canters on his way,
He'll drop something for the flies.

So give the rich tax rebates
For we know that trickle-down
Puts something on poor folks' plates,
Even though it may be brown.

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