Thursday, June 21, 2012


I have for some time had a sinking feeling that I was spending huge amounts of time researching and writing for an ever-dwindling audience. To be sure I like researching, even for my own edification and my own enlightenment. I even like putting my thoughts into words, but given the amount of time and effort involved, gratification from the knowledge that many are benefiting from my effort and appreciative of same, is absolutely necessary, as is an exchange of views. After all I do not get any monetary compensation, so I expect at least some psychic rewards. When those fail, it becomes harder and harder to invest the time and effort required for this endeavor.

When I found myself getting fewer and fewer comments, I changed my comments invitation from simply “comments” to “comments, questions, or corrections.” When that did not bring the desired exchanges, I moved my request for input from the bottom to the top of my commentaries.

Finally, when the silence became deafening, I decided to specifically try to find out how many actually read my posts to the end, by placing at the end of my last post "The Inscrutable Center Keeps Moving Rightward (Continued III)," the request:

If you have read this please click here: put "read" in the subject and hit send. A note will be welcome but it is not necessary.

I did not expect a huge response, but I did expect a reasonable one. I received a total of five responses indicating that the post had been read. I am sure that more than five had read the post, but the minute response indicated, at the very least, a lack of attention.

Under the circumstances I find it impossible to continue. This is not the first time I have parted from my readers only to return, because I find it difficult to be silent in the light of the poor coverage of the facts by our media and its echo chamber, and the huge stakes for the future of our children, our grandchildren and of our nation. And so I may return again. But this is unlikely unless I find a means for reaching a larger audience, large enough to justify my huge effort.

To those who have been reading my posts faithfully, I say thank you for your attention. To those who have shown appreciation with positive comments and other valuable input, I say thank you for your comments and input.

For now, however, I say with regret: Adieu.

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